Monday, April 18, 2011

Weight Loss Home Remedies

If you are obese or overweight, then try some home remedies given below.
  1. Make a mixture of 1/4 teaspoon powdered black pepper, 3 teaspoon lime juice, and 1 teaspoon honey in 1 cup water. Drinking this mixture for 3-4 months may be helpful in weight loss for obese and overweight people.
  2. Every morning drink a glass full of water mixed with lime juice and some honey. You could add 1 teaspoon of lime juice and 1 teaspoon of honey in a glass of lukewarm water.
  3. Drink a glass of water with 1 teaspoon fresh lime juice every morning for 3-4 months.
  4. Eating a tomato in the morning before breakfast for 3 to 4 months may be helpful in weight loss for obese and overweight people.
  5. Eating 10-12 fully grown curry leaves every morning for 3 to 4 months may be helpful in weight loss for obese and overweight people.
    Eat a variety of foods from the list of fat burning foods.
    1. Eat 2 red tomatoes daily in the breakfast can help in your weight loss efforts.
    2. Party Hints 
      If you go to parties and gatherings frequently, then it affects your weight. Do not overeat even if the food is very tasty. Follow the following:
      • It is a good idea to have look at all the dishes and then select healthy ones. Serve yourselves only small portions.
      • Choose fresh salads first and only small portions of rich foods.
      • Do not skip a meal before going to a party.
      • Socialize more and eat less.
      • Drink water rather than too much alcohol or juice.

    List of Foods that burn fat: Fat Fighers

    1. Fruits rich in vitamin C - Citrus Fruits: like limes, lemons, oranges, guava, grapefruit, papaya, sweet lime, tangerines and tomatoes are rich in Vitamin C and fibre and have fat burning properties so they may be called as FAT BURNING FOODS or FAT BURNERS or FIGHTERS.
      Vitamin C helps the body process fat faster and also stimulates the carnitine amino acid which speeds up the body’s fat-burning capacity.
      Vitamin C dilutes the fat and makes it less effective and helps in releasing the fat from the body.
    2. Apples: Pectin in apple restricts the cells to absorb the fat; and also encourages water absorption from the food which helps in releasing the fat deposits from the body. The antioxidants in apples may help prevent metabolic syndrome, a condition marked by excess belly fat or an apple body shape.
    3. Calcium Rich Dairy Products

      Calcium in dairy products like milk, cheese and yogurt act as fat burner that can boost weight loss by increasing fat breakdown in fat cells. According to Professor Michael Zemel at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville, (Obesity Research, April 2004; vol 12; pp 582-590.) a dairy-rich diet with same calorie restriction can nearly double the rate of weight and fat loss. His research has shown that eating 3-4 servings of dairy products a day is more effective at enhancing weight loss efforts than calcium supplementation alone. Dairy products may therefore be termed as fat burning foods or fat burners.
      The researchers found:
      Overweight people who consumed 3 servings a day of calcium-rich dairy lost more belly fat than those who followed a similar diet minus two or more of the dairy servings. The calcium supplements didn't work as well as milk.
    4. Nuts help feel full while also increasing the body's ability to burn fat, says author Jordi Salas-Salvado of the University of Rovira i Virgili in Reus, Spain.
    5. Chilies: Foods containing chillies or cayanne pepper are considered to be as foods that burn fat. Chillies contain capsaicin that helps in increasing the metabolism. Capsaicin is a thermogenic food, so it causes the body to burn extra calories for 20 minutes after you eat the chilies.
    6. Proteins: Protein rich foods and high fiber foods are the best as foods burning belly fat. Protein needs more energy to digest than fat as so eat low calorie dairy products, beans, whole grains, oatmeal, eggs, etc. as much as possible.
      Lentils are high in protein and soluble fiber, two nutrients that stabilize blood sugar levels, therefore lentils are a great tummy flattener," according to Tanya Zuckerbrot, R.D., author of The F-Factor Diet.
    7. Some of the other foods that may be included in the list of fat burning foods are asparagus, beet root, broccoli, cabbage, carrot, chillies, beans, soybeans, sweet potatoes, blueberries and watermelon.
    Note that in order to lose weight you have to burn more calories than you consume. This can be done by eating fat fighting foods and doing some physical activity. This will help your body burning up the excessive stored fat.

    From, the Mixing Bowl



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